
Email to Fax

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What is email to fax?

Email to Fax allows you to send faxes directly from your email!

You just send your email to an address using the following format:
<fax number goes here>@vax.co.za   (e.g. 27415818182@vax.co.za)
from the email address that is setup to send faxes on our system.

You no longer need to waste space, time and money standing at the Fax machine trying to get that Fax delivered. Simply Email it!

Our Email to Fax service enables you to compose an email which will be sent to someone's fax machine.

There are two ways of sending the email to fax:
The body of your email will be sent as a fax
Any attachments will be sent and printed as a fax.

The following formats can be sent as attachments:

  1. Microsoft Word Documents (.doc, .docx) (Not .docm or encrypted files)
  2. Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (excluding .csv files) (.xls, .xlsx) (Not .xlsm or encrypted files)
  3. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations (.ppt)
  4. Text files (.txt)
  5. GIF Images (.gif) (not animated Gif)
  6. TIFF 3 Images (.tif / .tiff) (Fax format)
  7. JPEG Images (.jpg / .jpeg)
  8. BMP Images (.bmp)
  9. PDF Documents (.pdf) (Unencryped)
  10. XPS documents (.xps, NOT .oxps)
  11. HTML Documents (.htm / .html) (Provided no links/HREFs to external content which needs to be downloaded)
  12. ZIP files (As long as content is supported)

Please note: documents created in Microsoft Office 2007 need to be saved in earlier versions.
The extension cannot end with an "x", e.g. (.docx) (.xlsx) (.pptx)

Benefits of this service include:

  1. No fixed lines required, free up your phone lines
  2. No additional hardware or software required
  3. Same as using Email
  4. Saves time

This is a prepaid service. The cost of the service is R20.00 per month. Apart from the monthly rental you must choose the amount of initial credit you would like to start your account with. The minimum initial credit amount is R25.00. Every time you send a fax, the cost of that fax will be deducted from your credit amount. When the prepaid amount is low or finished, you can replenish the credit amount.

Email to Fax - Prepaid Credits
R20 Rental per month (Billing starts from the 2nd month)
R25 R200
R50 R250
R100 R300
R150 R500
*There are NO Pro-Rata charges for Email2Fax monthly Rental.
* Please note: Once credits are loaded to your Email to Fax service , it cannot be refunded.

>>View the national and international email to fax rates.<<